drinking and driving consequences

Here, we look at some drinking and driving consequences of the most common reasons drunk driving occurs, according to research, and the steps you can take to prevent yourself from getting behind the wheel while impaired. If you see an impaired driver on the road, contact local law enforcement. Drivers with a BAC of .08 are approximately 4 times more likely to crash than drivers with a BAC of zero. At a BAC of .15, drivers are at least 12 times more likely to crash than drivers with a BAC of zero.

Drunk Driving

  • Road users who are impaired by alcohol have a significantly higher risk of being involved in a crash.
  • By four drinks, or a BAC of .08%, overall muscle coordination deteriorates.
  • An estimated 20 percent of adults in the U.S. drink alcohol to help them fall asleep.
  • For some drivers, it feels humiliating to have to appear in public to answer charges of driving drunk.

A DUI arrest often coincides with the immediate seizure of your driver’s license. In addition, a DUI conviction can cost you your license for an extended period. It is important to note that the penalties you will face if convicted of a DUI will depend on a variety of factors. In cases where it is your first offense and no one is harmed, you will likely be charged with a misdemeanor. Multiple DUI offenses can bring heftier consequences and greater long-term impact.

drinking and driving consequences

Drinking and Driving Inhibits Good Judgment

  • Even a first-time offense can cost more than $10,000 in fines and legal fees.
  • In almost all jurisdictions, if you want your driving privileges returned after a drunk driving conviction, you will have to complete an alcohol and drug education and assessment program.
  • Depending on the state, factors that can lead to enhanced DUI penalties might include having minor children in the vehicle, excessive impairment, and causing injuries or property damage.

Therefore, if the car in front of you brakes suddenly or a pedestrian crosses the street, it will take longer for your brain to process the situation and prevent an accident. Drinking alcohol lowers inhibitions and can cause some to make dangerous decisions such as driving under the influence. If there are exacerbating factors such as bodily harm, property damage or death, the charge could get elevated to a felony. Sleeping in the back seat instead of in the driver’s seat might demonstrate that you lacked intent to commit a DUI and is a point to raise if charged. Alcohol use disorder (AUD), or alcohol addiction or alcoholism, is a chronic relapsing brain disease.

Getting Arrested for DUI

  • You may also experience a decline in your self-control and reasoning at this level of intoxication.
  • Usually, you will be required to carry this type of auto insurance for a period of three years.
  • You may also not realize that you are having difficulty inserting the key into the ignition.

A person’s level of alcohol impairment is determined by what’s called blood alcohol concentration or blood alcohol content (BAC). Motorcycle operators involved in fatal crashes were found to have the highest percentage (28%) of alcohol-impaired drivers than any other vehicle types. Car crashes are a leading cause of death for teens, and almost a third of young drivers killed in fatal crashes involved underage drinking. In 2022, 30% of young drivers 15 to 20 years old who were killed in crashes had BACs of .01 g/dL or higher. It is illegal in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico to drive with a blood alcohol content (BAC) level of 0.08 or higher.

  • Thus, putting you, your passengers and everyone around you at risk of serious injury or death.
  • 1.5 million people are arrested each year for driving under the influence of alcohol.

Operating a Vehicle

The negative consequences of drunk driving impact every level of our society. Furthermore, alcohol-impaired driving incurs serious, long-lasting consequences for the offending drivers themselves and every innocent person affected by their crimes. Federal regulation constitutes a DWI as driving with a BAC level of 0.08% or higher.

drinking and driving consequences

However, alcohol affects these skills, putting yourself and others in danger. Some people think refusing to take a breathalyzer protects them from getting arrested for a DUI. An officer might look at evidence such as obvious impairment to determine whether you are guilty of driving while intoxicated. In such an instance, refusing to submit to a breathalyzer can likely still cost you your license. Your BAC can typically prove whether you are intoxicated beyond the legal limit. In most states, that limit is 0.08%, but Utah is the outlier with a maximum of 0.05%.

drinking and driving consequences